Seven Sins of Snow by Loxley Savage

2/5 ⭐⭐
"What did I just read? 29% torture, 70% porn, 1% plot. But it still deserves some stars for the smut."
I was really drawn to this book, expecting a dark retelling with character development. Well, I somewhat got what I wanted, but not how I envisioned it. It turned out just weird and dark in the wrong way (not the hot way we readers drool over villains, nope).
About the first 30% of the book is all torture. Queen abuses Snow, humiliates and whips her to the bone. I won't even mention the appalling ways the guards treat Snow. I'm waiting for the poor girl to have her breaking point that will force her into a change—never happens. I could just wait forever...or write my own book.
Snow is supposed to be a virgin, the fairest of them all, and pure-hearted to protect her country from the Queen's magic. But despite a life locked in the castle, abuse, and sexual assaults by guards, the naïve and pure heroine curses like a sailor and is somehow sexually experienced. When did she learn all this?
I understand that sometimes traumas can lead you to seek sexual pleasure to escape reality or have it like a healing therapy. But it's taken to the wrong level of here. You can't be a badass (or a sexually experienced virgin) when you're this badly mistreated. And when Snow finally meets her 7 kings representing the sins, they choose Snow for her pure heart. The kings intend to turn her into a vampire to give her strength to defeat the Queen, but all kings must get their whistle wet first?! So this virgin is like, "oh, yeah, let's do this!" for my kingdom. What?
Snow is simply jumping from one abuser to 7 others who f**k her to "give her power". No magic happens. It's simply smut in each chapter, no plot other than smoothly planned whistle-wetting scenes. In my opinion, it's all non-consensual (unless you consider having 7 men in you to save a country as something awesome).
Still, the author did get me through the entire book despite being a 0% plot. I've seen some positive reviews on GR, and I don't judge the ladies who loved this book if that's their thing. I admit that some of the steam (if we ignore the rest of the book) was vivid and juicy.
If you love (very) dark retellings with tons of sex (like literally 70% of the book is just that), this book may be for you. The kings of 7 sins truly embody their sins, taking the tale elements we know and turning them into epic smut.
Still, I have 0% judgement toward the readers who are into this book. If you think it could be your cup of tea, perhaps you should check it out on Amazon.
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