The Things I’m Made Of: Elyatha Eli’s Soul Ingredients

Recently, I made a fun Instagram (Bookstagram) post on what I’m really made of—the true ingredients of my soul. It was a fun, introspective experiment that I came up with while searching for the right stock image (and I don’t even recall why I needed it in the first place because I got that distracted). So, I thought it would be fun to explore this in more detail here on my blog.
Probably, just like every writer out there, I’ve always pondered the reason I exist, the purpose behind my wild imagination. And I don’t mean just the fact that your characters talk to you in your head or the paranormal/fantasy book scenarios unravel themselves before you. Well, the older I get, the clearer it becomes: it’s my passion. Magic is my call.
So, here are the things that make me, well, me.
The Energy I’m Made of
Universe/Stars: Since a very young age, I’ve always felt a deep connection to the universe and the celestial sea just above us. Part of me believed (when I was about 6) that we’re underwater, just a small part of an endless ocean. Well, maybe it’s true in a way. But part of me has always missed the place I keep calling “Home,” although it feels like a different planet.
And in a way, all of us are stardust.
Winter/Snow: There’s something about the cold and the intricate design each snowflake holds. Have you ever wondered why snow falls, making a thick blanket on the ground? If you look closely at each snowflake, you’ll see that each flake has a world of its own. Much like we—you and I—do.
Darkness: I always try to spread a positive message in whatever I do. But truth be told, it’s like looking at the sun, admiring it from afar and never being truly able to “see” it because it’s so bright. In a sense, we can see the light in others but not ourselves. And while I appreciate my inner spark, I even more appreciate what’s inside me before there ever was a sunrise in the first place. I am darkness, as much as I am anything else.
If you’ve read any of my paranormal romance books, you’ll know that there’s a pinch of darkness every main character fights—more inwardly than outwardly, at times. I guess it’s how I acknowledge that in every being, there’s a potential to shine brightly even when everything else seems shadowed. It’s my inner darkness that helps me concoct these stories that focus on character development and overcoming any obstacles. It’s my inner darkness that believes in the redemption of my anti-heroes.
And it’s my darkness that also makes me wake up too early and stay up too late to develop fantasy stories that I hope will ignite your own spark. Your passion.
Which leads me to my last ingredient...
The Things I Can’t Live Without
Paranormal Romance Books: To me, it’s not just about “escaping” the mundane. I’ve always loved the idea of love. And even more so when it’s love between a vampire and a human. Or a vampire and...pretty much any other supernatural creature.
I love paranormal romance books—reading, writing...breathing them!
Love & Friendship: It’s said that love conquers all. And I’m a true believer in that. Love, in its purest form (be it romance or friendship), is the ultimate driving force for all that ever was and all that ever will be. And our partners/companions? They’re not the side characters in our stories. They are our stories.
I’m eternally grateful to all my connections because they’ve helped me shape my reality, and they’ve helped me shape the fictional worlds that I build—both in my sleep and during my waking hours.
Chocolate: Do I even need to comment on this? I don’t think so.
Music & Dance: Music has always been my companion in everything I do, every story I write, and every mischief I’ve ever concocted. And dancing? That’s my ritual to unleash my creativity every morning (or when I’ve spent 16 hours in a row by my laptop and need to stretch out those rusty bones).
How Strangers See Me
Well, this was a fun one. Why? Because this is not “How I think strangers see me.” It’s a proven pattern of my life. It’s what people associate me with before they truly get to know my crazy depths.
You could not believe how often I’ve been compared to a unicorn. It’s the first thing I get for my birthdays when the person doesn’t know me yet; it’s the first thing people see in me. Why? I don’t know, but I’d love to find out.
A slight alteration of this has been an angel. Well, partially—yes, maybe. Just a fallen one. Oh, how I would have loved this comparison during my emo teenage years...
But, oh, people don’t know what they’re getting into when they befriend writers (especially the ones obsessed with vampire romances). Which leads to...
How I See Myself
Contrary to the bubbly, colorful elf, I see myself as a plot twist. A devil. A devil wielding a pen. Because let’s be honest—what else do you call a person who creates dark, steamy romances, aims to set your heart on fire, and makes vampires and blood-drinking seem like a perfect Valentine’s Day?
In Conclusion
Thank you for taking the time to read this self-discovery journey. I hope you had fun getting to know me a little better. But now, I’m turning the spotlight to you—I challenge you to share your own collage of “The Thing You’re Made Of” on Bookstagram. Tag me (@eli.reads.what) so that I can get to know what you’re made of, too. Let’s celebrate who we are.
With all the love and magic within,
Elyatha Eli